An update of sorts

Not much personal news to report.
I chatted briefly with Trish this morning.
She had just arrived in Yogya to help Chad out for a few days.
She said Chad was okay, but exhausted.
Sounds like he's been working non-stop since he arrived.
News of the quake disaster seems to be slowing down and focusing on the disaster relief that is slowly trickling in.
Activity in Mount Merapi has picked up, and scientists and officials are keeping a worried eye on it.
For updated news and images from the area I've been following these links -
Godote at flickr has posted an amazing series of images from the quake. The one I used for this post knocked the wind out of me.
VOA - Chad's story for Voice of America
Indonesia Help - This seems to be a really good compilation site that contains links and info from a number of different sites and mailing lists focusing on the disaster.
The Jakarta Post - they have some great reporting on the event. This quote jumped out at me -
Though desperate, many people continue to display the traditional Javanese spirit of accepting fate and seeking the positive, no matter how dire the circumstances.
With his sarong tied between tree branches to provide some cover, 75-year-old Paryo remained defiant in spirit.
"We should be ashamed of begging, even to the government. We must bear our fate," the old man insisted.
Time Asia
Everybody take care and stay tuned.
(image via Godote @ flickr)
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